October 15 / 2013
Innerbelt Update: Attention I-90 Motorists
Attention I-90 Motorists: Crews recently installed “channelizers” to separate I-90 thru traffic from I-77 north ramp traffic merging with I-90. Be sure to use I-490 east to I-77 north to access E 22nd and Carnegie, as these exits are now unavailable from I-90 east. Also, the SR 176 (Jennings Freeway) ramp to I-71 north/I-90 east was closed. Motorists will need to use I-490 east to I-77 north to access I-90 east and downtown locations. These changes will remain in place until the completion of the second Innerbelt Bridge in 2016.
The following impacts are expected this week:
Downtown Impacts:
- Wednesday through Friday, October 16-18, there will be intermittent lane closures at the intersection of Carnegie Avenue and Ontario Street.
Fore more updates, visit innerbelt.org