October 24 / 2013
Innerbelt Update: Ontario Street Exit Ramp to Close Soon
Attention Downtown Motorists!
The following impacts will be in place beginning tomorrow:
- Tuesday thru Thursday, October 29-31, Carnegie Avenue will be closed between Ontario and E 9th Streets from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.
- Wednesday and Friday, October 30 and November 1, traffic on Canal Road and W 3rd Street will be controlled by flaggers from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Crews Prep to Open New Bridge! Soon, a series of traffic switches will take place to open the new westbound bridge! The first of those switches could happen as soon as November 9! Continue to visit our “Traffic Impacts” page on the web at www.Innerbelt.org as long-term ramp closures are expected. View More Details